
North New Castle News

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

The Next Town Assembly


Please check back after June 7 to see if the June Town Meeting will be conducted in person. Around one week before the meeting, you will receive a postcard with the Agenda.

Meetings of the Town Assembly

The Town Assembly of the Village of Arden, Delaware, meets the 4th Monday of January, March, June and September at 7:30 p.m., usually in Gild Hall, 2126 The Highway, Arden, Delaware. Election of Officers & Committees is at the March meeting.

Arden has a town meeting form of government in which anyone 18 years of age or older can vote and make motions if they have lived in the village as their primary residence for six months. Meetings are open to the public.

Typical Agenda

Call to order

Approval of minutes of last town assembly meeting

Introduction of new residents

Remembering recently-deceased residents

Introduction of Visitors

Communications from the Chair

Trustees’ Report

Advisory Committee Report

Assessors’ Report

Treasurer’s Report

Committee Reports (in reverse alphabetical order in January and June)

Old business

New business

Good and Welfare



• January Meeting: Nominations for all standing committees and officers.

• March Meeting: Election of committees and town officers.

• June Meeting: Presentation of Assessors report. Audit report.

• September Meeting: Presentation of the town budget. Nominations for Assessors. Review Buzz Ware Village Center budget. Dates announced for Budget Referendum and Election of Assessors; they must be within 45 days of the September Town Assembly.

Minutes and Motions of Previous Meetings of the Town Assembly

Click here to see the minutes and motions of previous town meetings in Arden, Delaware.

Source: https://arden.delaware.gov/next-town-assembly/